/* - Specific object init codes depending on classnames. Format = [Array of classnames as strings, Code to apply] _this is the reference to the object with the classname */ KPLIB_objectInits = [ // Set KP logo on white flag [["Flag_White_F"], {_this setFlagTexture "res\flag_kp_co.paa";}], // Add helipads to zeus, as they can't be recycled after built [["Land_HelipadSquare_F", "Land_HelipadCircle_F", "Land_HelipadRescue_F", "LAND_uns_Heli_pad", "Helipad", "LAND_uns_evac_pad", "LAND_uns_Heli_H"], {{[_x, [[_this], true]] remoteExecCall ["addCuratorEditableObjects", 2]} forEach allCurators;}], // Add ViV action to FOB box [[FOB_box_typename], {_this call F_setFobMass; [_this] remoteExecCall ["F_setLoadableViV", 0, _this];}], // Add storage type variable to built storage areas (only for FOB built/loaded ones) [[KP_liberation_small_storage_building, KP_liberation_large_storage_building], {_this setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 0, true];}], // Add ACE variables to corresponding building types [[KP_liberation_recycle_building], {_this setVariable ["ace_isRepairFacility", 1, true];}], [KP_liberation_medical_facilities, {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_isMedicalFacility", true, true];}], [KP_liberation_medical_vehicles, {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 1, true];}], // Hide Cover on big GM trucks [["gm_ge_army_kat1_454_cargo", "gm_ge_army_kat1_454_cargo_win"], {_this animateSource ["cover_unhide", 0, true];}] ];