@echo off rem check that makepbo exists before continuing where /q makepbo if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo makepbo is missing. Ensure it is installed. It can be downloaded from: echo https://armaservices.maverick-applications.com/Products/MikerosDosTools/FileBrowserFree timeout 30 exit /b ) rem Remove and recreate build folder if exist build rd /s /q build >NUL if not exist build mkdir build >NUL rem Create each mission with the framework files for /D %%s in (Missionbasefiles\*) do ( @echo %%~nxs xcopy %%s build\%%~nxs /s /e /i /q >NUL xcopy Missionframework\* build\%%~nxs /s /e /q >NUL makepbo -np build\%%~nxs build\%%~nxs.pbo >NUL rd /s /q build\%%~nxs >NUL )