Fixed buildmenu not ignoring corpses

This commit is contained in:
Cre8or 2018-03-27 20:49:28 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1f543e3d16
commit d084fa4c59
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 391 additions and 389 deletions

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@ -1,389 +1,391 @@
private [ "_maxdist", "_truepos", "_built_object_remote", "_pos", "_grp", "_classname", "_idx", "_unitrank", "_posfob", "_ghost_spot", "_vehicle", "_dist", "_actualdir", "_near_objects", "_near_objects_25", "_debug_colisions" ];
build_confirmed = 0;
_maxdist = GRLIB_fob_range;
_truepos = [];
_debug_colisions = false;
KP_vector = true;
GRLIB_preview_spheres = [];
while { count GRLIB_preview_spheres < 36 } do {
GRLIB_preview_spheres pushback ( "Sign_Sphere100cm_F" createVehicleLocal [ 0, 0, 0 ] );
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
if (isNil "manned") then { manned = false };
if (isNil "gridmode" ) then { gridmode = 0 };
if (isNil "repeatbuild" ) then { repeatbuild = false };
if (isNil "build_rotation" ) then { build_rotation = 0 };
waitUntil { sleep 0.2; !isNil "dobuild" };
while { true } do {
waitUntil { sleep 0.2; dobuild != 0 };
build_confirmed = 1;
build_invalid = 0;
_classname = "";
if ( buildtype == 99 ) then {
GRLIB_removefobboxes = true;
_classname = FOB_typename;
} else {
_classname = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 0;
_price_s = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 1;
_price_a = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 2;
_price_f = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 3;
_nearfob = [] call F_getNearestFob;
_storage_areas = [_nearfob nearobjects (GRLIB_fob_range * 2), {(_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type",-1]) == 0}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
[_price_s, _price_a, _price_f, _classname, buildtype, _storage_areas] remoteExec ["build_remote_call",2];
if(buildtype == 1) then {
_pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0];
_grp = group player;
if ( manned ) then {
_grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly;
_classname createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
build_confirmed = 0;
} else {
if ( buildtype == 8 ) then {
_pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0];
_grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly;
_grp setGroupId [format ["%1 %2",squads_names select buildindex, groupId _grp]];
_idx = 0;
_unitrank = "private";
if(_idx == 0) then { _unitrank = "sergeant"; };
if(_idx == 1) then { _unitrank = "corporal"; };
if (_classname isEqualTo blufor_squad_para) then {
_x createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; removeBackpackGlobal this; this addBackpackGlobal ""B_parachute""", 0.5, _unitrank];
} else {
_x createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}];", 0.5, _unitrank];
_idx = _idx + 1;
} foreach _classname;
_grp setBehaviour "SAFE";
build_confirmed = 0;
} else {
_posfob = getpos player;
if (buildtype != 99) then {
_posfob = [] call F_getNearestFob;
_idactcancel = -1;
_idactsnap = -1;
_idactplacebis = -1;
_idactvector = -1;
if (buildtype != 99 ) then {
_idactcancel = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_CANCEL" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_cancel.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_cancel.sqf","",-725,false,true,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
if (buildtype == 6 ) then {
_idactplacebis = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_PLACEMENT_BIS" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_confirm.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_place_bis.sqf","",-785,false,false,"","build_invalid == 0 && build_confirmed == 1"];
if (buildtype == 6 || buildtype == 99 || _classname in KP_liberation_storage_buildings || _classname == KP_liberation_recycle_building || _classname == KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building) then {
_idactsnap = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_GRID" + "</t>","scripts\client\build\do_grid.sqf","",-735,false,false,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
_idactvector = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_VECACTION" + "</t>",{KP_vector = !KP_vector;},"",-800,false,false,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
_idactrotate = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_ROTATION" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_rotation.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_rotate.sqf","",-750,false,false,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
_idactplace = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_PLACEMENT" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_confirm.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_place.sqf","",-775,false,true,"","build_invalid == 0 && build_confirmed == 1"];
_ghost_spot = (getmarkerpos "ghost_spot") findEmptyPosition [0,100];
_vehicle = _classname createVehicleLocal _ghost_spot;
_vehicle allowdamage false;
_vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
_vehicle enableSimulationGlobal false;
_vehicle setVariable ["KP_liberation_preplaced", true, true];
_dist = 0.6 * (sizeOf _classname);
if (_dist < 3.5) then { _dist = 3.5 };
_dist = _dist + 1;
for [{_i=0}, {_i<5}, {_i=_i+1}] do {
_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [_i, '#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.8)'];
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
while { build_confirmed == 1 && alive player } do {
_truedir = 90 - (getdir player);
if ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames) then {
_truepos = [((getposATL player) select 0) + (_dist * (cos _truedir)), ((getposATL player) select 1) + (_dist * (sin _truedir)),((getposATL player) select 2)];
} else {
_truepos = [((getpos player) select 0) + (_dist * (cos _truedir)), ((getpos player) select 1) + (_dist * (sin _truedir)),0];
_actualdir = ((getdir player) + build_rotation);
if ( _classname == "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F" || _classname == "Land_PortableLight_single_F" ) then { _actualdir = _actualdir + 180 };
if ( _classname == FOB_typename ) then { _actualdir = _actualdir + 270 };
while { _actualdir > 360 } do { _actualdir = _actualdir - 360 };
while { _actualdir < 0 } do { _actualdir = _actualdir + 360 };
if ( ((buildtype == 6) || (buildtype == 99)) && ((gridmode % 2) == 1) ) then {
if ( _actualdir >= 22.5 && _actualdir <= 67.5 ) then { _actualdir = 45 };
if ( _actualdir >= 67.5 && _actualdir <= 112.5 ) then { _actualdir = 90 };
if ( _actualdir >= 112.5 && _actualdir <= 157.5 ) then { _actualdir = 135 };
if ( _actualdir >= 157.5 && _actualdir <= 202.5 ) then { _actualdir = 180 };
if ( _actualdir >= 202.5 && _actualdir <= 247.5 ) then { _actualdir = 225 };
if ( _actualdir >= 247.5 && _actualdir <= 292.5 ) then { _actualdir = 270 };
if ( _actualdir >= 292.5 && _actualdir <= 337.5 ) then { _actualdir = 315 };
if ( _actualdir <= 22.5 || _actualdir >= 337.5 ) then { _actualdir = 0 };
_sphere_idx = 0;
_x setpos ( [ _truepos, _dist, _sphere_idx * 10 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos );
_sphere_idx = _sphere_idx + 1;
} foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
_vehicle setdir _actualdir;
_near_objects = (_truepos nearobjects ["AllVehicles", _dist]) ;
_near_objects = _near_objects + (_truepos nearobjects [FOB_box_typename, _dist]);
_near_objects = _near_objects + (_truepos nearobjects [Arsenal_typename, _dist]);
_near_objects_25 = (_truepos nearobjects ["AllVehicles", 50]) ;
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 + (_truepos nearobjects [FOB_box_typename, 50]);
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 + (_truepos nearobjects [Arsenal_typename, 50]);
if( buildtype != 6 ) then {
_near_objects = _near_objects + (_truepos nearobjects ["Static", _dist]);
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 + (_truepos nearobjects ["Static", 50]);
private _remove_objects = [];
if ((_x isKindOf "Animal") || ((typeof _x) in GRLIB_ignore_colisions_when_building) || (_x == player) || (_x == _vehicle) || ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames)) then {
_remove_objects pushback _x;
} foreach _near_objects;
private _remove_objects_25 = [];
if ((_x isKindOf "Animal") || ((typeof _x) in GRLIB_ignore_colisions_when_building) || (_x == player) || (_x == _vehicle) || ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames)) then {
_remove_objects_25 pushback _x;
} foreach _near_objects_25;
_near_objects = _near_objects - _remove_objects;
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 - _remove_objects_25;
if ( count _near_objects == 0 ) then {
_dist22 = 0.6 * (sizeOf (typeof _x));
if ( _dist22 < 1 ) then { _dist22 = 1 };
if (_truepos distance _x < _dist22) then {
_near_objects pushback _x;
} foreach _near_objects_25;
if ( count _near_objects != 0 ) then {
GRLIB_conflicting_objects = _near_objects;
} else {
GRLIB_conflicting_objects = [];
if (count _near_objects == 0 && ((_truepos distance _posfob) < _maxdist) && ( ((!surfaceIsWater _truepos) && (!surfaceIsWater getpos player)) || (_classname in boats_names) ) ) then {
if ( ((buildtype == 6) || (buildtype == 99)) && ((gridmode % 2) == 1) ) then {
_vehicle setpos [round (_truepos select 0),round (_truepos select 1), _truepos select 2];
} else {
if ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames) then {
_vehicle setPosATL _truepos;
} else {
_vehicle setpos _truepos;
if (buildtype == 6 || buildtype == 99 || _classname in KP_liberation_storage_buildings || _classname == KP_liberation_recycle_building || _classname == KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building) then {
if (KP_vector) then {
_vehicle setVectorUp [0,0,1];
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
if(build_invalid == 1) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = "";
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
build_invalid = 0;
} else {
if ( build_invalid == 0 ) then {
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
_vehicle setpos _ghost_spot;
build_invalid = 1;
if(count _near_objects > 0) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = format [localize "STR_PLACEMENT_IMPOSSIBLE",count _near_objects, round _dist];
if (_debug_colisions) then {
private [ "_objs_classnames" ];
_objs_classnames = [];
{ _objs_classnames pushback (typeof _x) } foreach _near_objects;
hint format [ "Colisions : %1", _objs_classnames ];
if( ((surfaceIsWater _truepos) || (surfaceIsWater getpos player)) && !(_classname in boats_names)) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = localize "STR_BUILD_ERROR_WATER";
if((_truepos distance _posfob) > _maxdist) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = format [localize "STR_BUILD_ERROR_DISTANCE",_maxdist];
sleep 0.05;
GRLIB_ui_notif = "";
{ _x setpos [ 0,0,0 ] } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
if ( !alive player || build_confirmed == 3 ) then {
private ["_price_s", "_price_a", "_price_f", "_nearfob", "_storage_areas"];
_price_s = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 1;
_price_a = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 2;
_price_f = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 3;
_nearfob = [] call F_getNearestFob;
_storage_areas = [_nearfob nearobjects (GRLIB_fob_range * 2), {(_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type",-1]) == 0}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
_supplyCrates = ceil (_price_s / 100);
_ammoCrates = ceil (_price_a / 100);
_fuelCrates = ceil (_price_f / 100);
_crateSum = _supplyCrates + _ammoCrates + _fuelCrates;
_spaceSum = 0;
if (typeOf _x == KP_liberation_large_storage_building) then {
_spaceSum = _spaceSum + (count KP_liberation_large_storage_positions) - (count (attachedObjects _x));
if (typeOf _x == KP_liberation_small_storage_building) then {
_spaceSum = _spaceSum + (count KP_liberation_small_storage_positions) - (count (attachedObjects _x));
} forEach _storage_areas;
deleteVehicle _vehicle;
if (_spaceSum < _crateSum) then {
hint localize "STR_CANCEL_ERROR";
} else {
[_price_s, _price_a, _price_f, _storage_areas] remoteExec ["cancel_build_remote_call",2];
if ( build_confirmed == 2 ) then {
_vehpos = getpos _vehicle;
_vehdir = getdir _vehicle;
deleteVehicle _vehicle;
sleep 0.1;
_vehicle = _classname createVehicle _truepos;
_vehicle allowDamage false;
_vehicle setdir _vehdir;
if ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames) then {
_vehicle setPosATL _truepos;
} else {
_vehicle setpos _truepos;
if (!(_classname in KP_liberation_ace_crates) && KP_liberation_clear_cargo) then {
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle;
clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle;
if (buildtype == 6 || buildtype == 99 || _classname in KP_liberation_storage_buildings || _classname == KP_liberation_recycle_building || _classname == KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building) then {
if (KP_vector) then {
_vehicle setVectorUp [0,0,1];
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
// Arty Supp deactivated for now
/*if ((KP_liberation_suppMod_enb > 0) && (_classname in KP_liberation_artySupp)) then {
[_vehicle] remoteExec ["arty_monitor", 2];
if ( (unitIsUAV _vehicle) || manned ) then {
[ _vehicle ] call F_forceBluforCrew;
switch (_classname) do {
case FOB_box_typename: {_vehicle call F_setFobMass;};
case "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F";
case "Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F": {_vehicle setVariable ["ace_medical_isMedicalFacility", true, true];};
case KP_liberation_recycle_building: {_vehicle setVariable ["ace_isRepairFacility", 1, true];};
case "Flag_White_F": {_vehicle setFlagTexture "res\kpflag.jpg";};
case KP_liberation_small_storage_building;
case KP_liberation_large_storage_building: {_vehicle setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 0, true];};
default {};
if (_classname in KP_liberation_medical_vehicles) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 1, true];
if (_classname == "Land_HelipadSquare_F" || _classname == "Land_HelipadCircle_F" || _classname == "Land_HelipadRescue_F") then {
[_x,[[_vehicle],true]] remoteExec ["addCuratorEditableObjects",2];
} forEach allCurators;
sleep 0.3;
_vehicle allowDamage true;
_vehicle setDamage 0;
if(buildtype == 99) then {
_vehicle addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { 0 }];
if(buildtype != 6) then {
_vehicle addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}];
{ _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; } foreach (crew _vehicle);
if ( _idactcancel != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactcancel;
if ( _idactsnap != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactsnap;
if ( _idactplacebis != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactplacebis;
if ( _idactvector != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactvector;
player removeAction _idactrotate;
player removeAction _idactplace;
if(buildtype == 99) then {
_new_fob = getpos player;
[_new_fob, false] remoteExec ["build_fob_remote_call",2];
buildtype = 1;
build_confirmed = 0;
if ( repeatbuild ) then {
dobuild = 1;
repeatbuild = false;
} else {
dobuild = 0;
manned = false;
private [ "_maxdist", "_truepos", "_built_object_remote", "_pos", "_grp", "_classname", "_idx", "_unitrank", "_posfob", "_ghost_spot", "_vehicle", "_dist", "_actualdir", "_near_objects", "_near_objects_25", "_debug_colisions" ];
build_confirmed = 0;
_maxdist = GRLIB_fob_range;
_truepos = [];
_debug_colisions = false;
KP_vector = true;
GRLIB_preview_spheres = [];
while { count GRLIB_preview_spheres < 36 } do {
GRLIB_preview_spheres pushback ( "Sign_Sphere100cm_F" createVehicleLocal [ 0, 0, 0 ] );
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
if (isNil "manned") then { manned = false };
if (isNil "gridmode" ) then { gridmode = 0 };
if (isNil "repeatbuild" ) then { repeatbuild = false };
if (isNil "build_rotation" ) then { build_rotation = 0 };
waitUntil { sleep 0.2; !isNil "dobuild" };
while { true } do {
waitUntil { sleep 0.2; dobuild != 0 };
build_confirmed = 1;
build_invalid = 0;
_classname = "";
if ( buildtype == 99 ) then {
GRLIB_removefobboxes = true;
_classname = FOB_typename;
} else {
_classname = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 0;
_price_s = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 1;
_price_a = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 2;
_price_f = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 3;
_nearfob = [] call F_getNearestFob;
_storage_areas = [_nearfob nearobjects (GRLIB_fob_range * 2), {(_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type",-1]) == 0}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
[_price_s, _price_a, _price_f, _classname, buildtype, _storage_areas] remoteExec ["build_remote_call",2];
if(buildtype == 1) then {
_pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0];
_grp = group player;
if ( manned ) then {
_grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly;
_classname createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
build_confirmed = 0;
} else {
if ( buildtype == 8 ) then {
_pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0];
_grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly;
_grp setGroupId [format ["%1 %2",squads_names select buildindex, groupId _grp]];
_idx = 0;
_unitrank = "private";
if(_idx == 0) then { _unitrank = "sergeant"; };
if(_idx == 1) then { _unitrank = "corporal"; };
if (_classname isEqualTo blufor_squad_para) then {
_x createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; removeBackpackGlobal this; this addBackpackGlobal ""B_parachute""", 0.5, _unitrank];
} else {
_x createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}];", 0.5, _unitrank];
_idx = _idx + 1;
} foreach _classname;
_grp setBehaviour "SAFE";
build_confirmed = 0;
} else {
_posfob = getpos player;
if (buildtype != 99) then {
_posfob = [] call F_getNearestFob;
_idactcancel = -1;
_idactsnap = -1;
_idactplacebis = -1;
_idactvector = -1;
if (buildtype != 99 ) then {
_idactcancel = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_CANCEL" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_cancel.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_cancel.sqf","",-725,false,true,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
if (buildtype == 6 ) then {
_idactplacebis = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_PLACEMENT_BIS" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_confirm.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_place_bis.sqf","",-785,false,false,"","build_invalid == 0 && build_confirmed == 1"];
if (buildtype == 6 || buildtype == 99 || _classname in KP_liberation_storage_buildings || _classname == KP_liberation_recycle_building || _classname == KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building) then {
_idactsnap = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_GRID" + "</t>","scripts\client\build\do_grid.sqf","",-735,false,false,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
_idactvector = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_VECACTION" + "</t>",{KP_vector = !KP_vector;},"",-800,false,false,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
_idactrotate = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_ROTATION" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_rotation.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_rotate.sqf","",-750,false,false,"","build_confirmed == 1"];
_idactplace = player addAction ["<t color='#B0FF00'>" + localize "STR_PLACEMENT" + "</t> <img size='2' image='res\ui_confirm.paa'/>","scripts\client\build\build_place.sqf","",-775,false,true,"","build_invalid == 0 && build_confirmed == 1"];
_ghost_spot = (getmarkerpos "ghost_spot") findEmptyPosition [0,100];
_vehicle = _classname createVehicleLocal _ghost_spot;
_vehicle allowdamage false;
_vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
_vehicle enableSimulationGlobal false;
_vehicle setVariable ["KP_liberation_preplaced", true, true];
_dist = 0.6 * (sizeOf _classname);
if (_dist < 3.5) then { _dist = 3.5 };
_dist = _dist + 1;
for [{_i=0}, {_i<5}, {_i=_i+1}] do {
_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [_i, '#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.8)'];
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
while { build_confirmed == 1 && alive player } do {
_truedir = 90 - (getdir player);
if ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames) then {
_truepos = [((getposATL player) select 0) + (_dist * (cos _truedir)), ((getposATL player) select 1) + (_dist * (sin _truedir)),((getposATL player) select 2)];
} else {
_truepos = [((getpos player) select 0) + (_dist * (cos _truedir)), ((getpos player) select 1) + (_dist * (sin _truedir)),0];
_actualdir = ((getdir player) + build_rotation);
if ( _classname == "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F" || _classname == "Land_PortableLight_single_F" ) then { _actualdir = _actualdir + 180 };
if ( _classname == FOB_typename ) then { _actualdir = _actualdir + 270 };
while { _actualdir > 360 } do { _actualdir = _actualdir - 360 };
while { _actualdir < 0 } do { _actualdir = _actualdir + 360 };
if ( ((buildtype == 6) || (buildtype == 99)) && ((gridmode % 2) == 1) ) then {
if ( _actualdir >= 22.5 && _actualdir <= 67.5 ) then { _actualdir = 45 };
if ( _actualdir >= 67.5 && _actualdir <= 112.5 ) then { _actualdir = 90 };
if ( _actualdir >= 112.5 && _actualdir <= 157.5 ) then { _actualdir = 135 };
if ( _actualdir >= 157.5 && _actualdir <= 202.5 ) then { _actualdir = 180 };
if ( _actualdir >= 202.5 && _actualdir <= 247.5 ) then { _actualdir = 225 };
if ( _actualdir >= 247.5 && _actualdir <= 292.5 ) then { _actualdir = 270 };
if ( _actualdir >= 292.5 && _actualdir <= 337.5 ) then { _actualdir = 315 };
if ( _actualdir <= 22.5 || _actualdir >= 337.5 ) then { _actualdir = 0 };
_sphere_idx = 0;
_x setpos ( [ _truepos, _dist, _sphere_idx * 10 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos );
_sphere_idx = _sphere_idx + 1;
} foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
_vehicle setdir _actualdir;
_near_objects = (_truepos nearobjects ["AllVehicles", _dist]) ;
_near_objects = _near_objects + (_truepos nearobjects [FOB_box_typename, _dist]);
_near_objects = _near_objects + (_truepos nearobjects [Arsenal_typename, _dist]);
_near_objects_25 = (_truepos nearobjects ["AllVehicles", 50]) ;
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 + (_truepos nearobjects [FOB_box_typename, 50]);
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 + (_truepos nearobjects [Arsenal_typename, 50]);
if( buildtype != 6 ) then {
_near_objects = _near_objects + (_truepos nearobjects ["Static", _dist]);
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 + (_truepos nearobjects ["Static", 50]);
private _remove_objects = [];
private _typeOfX = typeOf _x;
if ((_x isKindOf "Animal") || (_typeOfX in GRLIB_ignore_colisions_when_building) || (_typeOfX isKindOf "CAManBase") || (isPlayer _x) || (_x == _vehicle) || ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames)) then {
_remove_objects pushback _x;
} foreach _near_objects;
private _remove_objects_25 = [];
private _typeOfX = typeOf _x;
if ((_x isKindOf "Animal") || (_typeOfX in GRLIB_ignore_colisions_when_building) || (_typeOfX isKindOf "CAManBase") || (isPlayer _x) || (_x == _vehicle) || ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames)) then {
_remove_objects_25 pushback _x;
} foreach _near_objects_25;
_near_objects = _near_objects - _remove_objects;
_near_objects_25 = _near_objects_25 - _remove_objects_25;
if ( count _near_objects == 0 ) then {
_dist22 = 0.6 * (sizeOf (typeof _x));
if ( _dist22 < 1 ) then { _dist22 = 1 };
if (_truepos distance _x < _dist22) then {
_near_objects pushback _x;
} foreach _near_objects_25;
if ( count _near_objects != 0 ) then {
GRLIB_conflicting_objects = _near_objects;
} else {
GRLIB_conflicting_objects = [];
if (count _near_objects == 0 && ((_truepos distance _posfob) < _maxdist) && ( ((!surfaceIsWater _truepos) && (!surfaceIsWater getpos player)) || (_classname in boats_names) ) ) then {
if ( ((buildtype == 6) || (buildtype == 99)) && ((gridmode % 2) == 1) ) then {
_vehicle setpos [round (_truepos select 0),round (_truepos select 1), _truepos select 2];
} else {
if ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames) then {
_vehicle setPosATL _truepos;
} else {
_vehicle setpos _truepos;
if (buildtype == 6 || buildtype == 99 || _classname in KP_liberation_storage_buildings || _classname == KP_liberation_recycle_building || _classname == KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building) then {
if (KP_vector) then {
_vehicle setVectorUp [0,0,1];
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
if(build_invalid == 1) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = "";
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
build_invalid = 0;
} else {
if ( build_invalid == 0 ) then {
{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)"]; } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
_vehicle setpos _ghost_spot;
build_invalid = 1;
if(count _near_objects > 0) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = format [localize "STR_PLACEMENT_IMPOSSIBLE",count _near_objects, round _dist];
if (_debug_colisions) then {
private [ "_objs_classnames" ];
_objs_classnames = [];
{ _objs_classnames pushback (typeof _x) } foreach _near_objects;
hint format [ "Colisions : %1", _objs_classnames ];
if( ((surfaceIsWater _truepos) || (surfaceIsWater getpos player)) && !(_classname in boats_names)) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = localize "STR_BUILD_ERROR_WATER";
if((_truepos distance _posfob) > _maxdist) then {
GRLIB_ui_notif = format [localize "STR_BUILD_ERROR_DISTANCE",_maxdist];
sleep 0.05;
GRLIB_ui_notif = "";
{ _x setpos [ 0,0,0 ] } foreach GRLIB_preview_spheres;
if ( !alive player || build_confirmed == 3 ) then {
private ["_price_s", "_price_a", "_price_f", "_nearfob", "_storage_areas"];
_price_s = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 1;
_price_a = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 2;
_price_f = ((build_lists select buildtype) select buildindex) select 3;
_nearfob = [] call F_getNearestFob;
_storage_areas = [_nearfob nearobjects (GRLIB_fob_range * 2), {(_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type",-1]) == 0}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
_supplyCrates = ceil (_price_s / 100);
_ammoCrates = ceil (_price_a / 100);
_fuelCrates = ceil (_price_f / 100);
_crateSum = _supplyCrates + _ammoCrates + _fuelCrates;
_spaceSum = 0;
if (typeOf _x == KP_liberation_large_storage_building) then {
_spaceSum = _spaceSum + (count KP_liberation_large_storage_positions) - (count (attachedObjects _x));
if (typeOf _x == KP_liberation_small_storage_building) then {
_spaceSum = _spaceSum + (count KP_liberation_small_storage_positions) - (count (attachedObjects _x));
} forEach _storage_areas;
deleteVehicle _vehicle;
if (_spaceSum < _crateSum) then {
hint localize "STR_CANCEL_ERROR";
} else {
[_price_s, _price_a, _price_f, _storage_areas] remoteExec ["cancel_build_remote_call",2];
if ( build_confirmed == 2 ) then {
_vehpos = getpos _vehicle;
_vehdir = getdir _vehicle;
deleteVehicle _vehicle;
sleep 0.1;
_vehicle = _classname createVehicle _truepos;
_vehicle allowDamage false;
_vehicle setdir _vehdir;
if ((typeOf _vehicle) in KP_liberation_static_classnames) then {
_vehicle setPosATL _truepos;
} else {
_vehicle setpos _truepos;
if (!(_classname in KP_liberation_ace_crates) && KP_liberation_clear_cargo) then {
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle;
clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle;
if (buildtype == 6 || buildtype == 99 || _classname in KP_liberation_storage_buildings || _classname == KP_liberation_recycle_building || _classname == KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building) then {
if (KP_vector) then {
_vehicle setVectorUp [0,0,1];
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
} else {
_vehicle setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _vehicle;
// Arty Supp deactivated for now
/*if ((KP_liberation_suppMod_enb > 0) && (_classname in KP_liberation_artySupp)) then {
[_vehicle] remoteExec ["arty_monitor", 2];
if ( (unitIsUAV _vehicle) || manned ) then {
[ _vehicle ] call F_forceBluforCrew;
switch (_classname) do {
case FOB_box_typename: {_vehicle call F_setFobMass;};
case "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F";
case "Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F": {_vehicle setVariable ["ace_medical_isMedicalFacility", true, true];};
case KP_liberation_recycle_building: {_vehicle setVariable ["ace_isRepairFacility", 1, true];};
case "Flag_White_F": {_vehicle setFlagTexture "res\kpflag.jpg";};
case KP_liberation_small_storage_building;
case KP_liberation_large_storage_building: {_vehicle setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 0, true];};
default {};
if (_classname in KP_liberation_medical_vehicles) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 1, true];
if (_classname == "Land_HelipadSquare_F" || _classname == "Land_HelipadCircle_F" || _classname == "Land_HelipadRescue_F") then {
[_x,[[_vehicle],true]] remoteExec ["addCuratorEditableObjects",2];
} forEach allCurators;
sleep 0.3;
_vehicle allowDamage true;
_vehicle setDamage 0;
if(buildtype == 99) then {
_vehicle addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { 0 }];
if(buildtype != 6) then {
_vehicle addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}];
{ _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; } foreach (crew _vehicle);
if ( _idactcancel != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactcancel;
if ( _idactsnap != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactsnap;
if ( _idactplacebis != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactplacebis;
if ( _idactvector != -1 ) then {
player removeAction _idactvector;
player removeAction _idactrotate;
player removeAction _idactplace;
if(buildtype == 99) then {
_new_fob = getpos player;
[_new_fob, false] remoteExec ["build_fob_remote_call",2];
buildtype = 1;
build_confirmed = 0;
if ( repeatbuild ) then {
dobuild = 1;
repeatbuild = false;
} else {
dobuild = 0;
manned = false;