
94 lines
4.2 KiB

File: fn_getSaveableParam.sqf
Author: KP Liberation Dev Team -
Date: 2018-01-27
Last Update: 2019-12-06
License: MIT License -
Saves/loads/fetches mission parameter from profileNamespace depending on "_action" argument.
If no action provided value from "KP_load_params" variable is used.
On SP enviroment saving/loading is disabled.
_paramName - Name of parameter [STRING, defaults to ""]
_defaultValue - Default value if parameter not found or no saved value [NUMBER, defaults to 0]
_action - Should save(0)/load(1) from profile namespace or get(2) from selected param value [NUMBER, defaults to nil]
Parameter value [BOOL]
params [
["_paramName", "", [""]],
["_defaultValue", 0, [0]],
["_action", nil, [0]]
private _saveKey = "KP_LIBERATION_" + (toUpper worldName) + "_SAVE_PARAMS";
private _value = nil;
// Use lobby value if no action specified
if(isNil "_action") then {_action = KP_load_params;};
// We propably shoud not load parameters on SP environment
if(!isMultiplayer) then {_action = 2};
switch (_action) do {
// Save to profileNamespace
case 0: {
_value = [_paramName, _defaultValue] call bis_fnc_getParamValue;
private _savedParams = profileNamespace getVariable _saveKey;
if(isNil "_savedParams") then {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] Param save data is corrupted, creating new.";};
// Create new "associative" array
_savedParams = [[_paramName, _value]];
} else {
private _singleParam = (_savedParams select {(_x select 0) == _paramName}) select 0;
if(isNil "_singleParam") then {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] Saving value: %1 for param: %2,", _value, _paramName];};
_savedParams pushBack [_paramName, _value];
} else {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] Overwriting value: %1 with: %2 for param: %3,", (_singleParam select 1), _value, _paramName];};
// _singleparam is an reference to array in _savedParams, we can use "set"
_singleParam set [1, _value];
// Save params to profile namespace
profileNamespace setVariable [_saveKey, _savedParams];
// Load from profileNamespace
case 1: {
private _savedParams = profileNamespace getVariable _saveKey;
if(isNil "_savedParams") then {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] Param save data is corrupted, can't load!";};
// Fix param save data
profileNamespace setVariable [_saveKey, []];
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] No saved value for param: %1, fetching value.", _paramName];};
_value = [_paramName, _defaultValue] call bis_fnc_getParamValue;
} else {
private _singleParam = (_savedParams select {(_x select 0) == _paramName}) select 0;
if(isNil "_singleParam") then {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] No saved value for param: %1, fetching value.", _paramName];};
_value = [_paramName, _defaultValue] call bis_fnc_getParamValue;
} else {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] Found value: %1 for param: %2,", (_singleParam select 1), _paramName];};
_value = _singleParam select 1;
// Get param
default {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [PARAM] Fetch selected value for param";};
_value = [_paramName, _defaultValue] call bis_fnc_getParamValue;
// Return param value