makefile: Stop releasing binary

Signed-off-by: Jingwen Peng <>
This commit is contained in:
Jingwen Peng 2017-03-14 17:15:22 +08:00 committed by Aspire
parent 7c2896e106
commit c546c42be7
1 changed files with 3 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ help:
@echo " test to run service test"
@echo " release to build and release current version"
@echo " release-source to pack the source code"
@echo " release-headers to build and pack the headers source code for go 1.7"
@echo " release-binary to build the static binary for go 1.7"
@echo " clean to clean the coverage files"
all: check build unit release
@ -146,60 +144,18 @@ test:
pushd "./test"; go run *.go; popd
@echo "ok"
release: release-source release-source-with-vendor release-headers release-binary
release: release-source release-source-with-vendor
@echo "pack the source code"
mkdir -p "release"
zip -FS "release/${PREFIX}-source-v${VERSION}.zip" ${FILES_TO_RELEASE}
@zip -FS "release/${PREFIX}-source-v${VERSION}.zip" ${FILES_TO_RELEASE}
@echo "ok"
@echo "pack the source code"
mkdir -p "release"
zip -FS "release/${PREFIX}-source-with-vendor-v${VERSION}.zip" ${FILES_TO_RELEASE_WITH_VENDOR}
@echo "ok"
release-headers: release-headers-go-1.7
@echo "build and pack the headers source code for go 1.7"
mkdir -p "release"
mkdir -p "/tmp/${PREFIX}-headers/"
for file in ${FILES_TO_RELEASE}; do \
filepath="/tmp/${PREFIX}-headers/$$(dirname $${file})/binary.go"; \
mkdir -p "$$(dirname $${filepath})"; \
package_line=$$(cat "$${file}" | grep -E "^package"); \
echo -ne "//go:binary-only-package\n\n" > "$${filepath}"; \
echo -ne "$${package_line}" >> "$${filepath}"; \
pushd "/tmp/${PREFIX}-headers/"; \
zip -r "/tmp/${PREFIX}-headers-v${VERSION}" .; \
cp "/tmp/${PREFIX}-headers-v${VERSION}" "release/"
rm -f "/tmp/${PREFIX}-headers-v${VERSION}"
rm -rf "/tmp/${PREFIX}-headers"
@echo "ok"
release-binary: release-binary-go-1.7
@echo "build the static binary for go 1.7"
mkdir -p "release"
for pkg in ${PKGS_TO_RELEASE}; do \
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install $${pkg}; \
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go install $${pkg}; \
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install $${pkg}; \
cross=(linux_amd64 darwin_amd64 windows_amd64); \
for os_arch in $${cross[@]}; do \
MAIN_GOPATH=$$(echo "${GOPATH}" | awk '{split($$1,p,":"); print(p[1])}'); \
pushd "$${MAIN_GOPATH}/pkg/$${os_arch}/"; \
zip -r "/tmp/${PREFIX}-binary-v${VERSION}-$${os_arch}" .; \
popd; \
cp "/tmp/${PREFIX}-binary-v${VERSION}-$${os_arch}" "release/"; \
rm -f "/tmp/${PREFIX}-binary-v${VERSION}-$${os_arch}"; \
@zip -FS "release/${PREFIX}-source-with-vendor-v${VERSION}.zip" ${FILES_TO_RELEASE_WITH_VENDOR}
@echo "ok"