SHELL := /bin/bash .PHONY: all check vet lint update generate build unit test release clean PREFIX=qingcloud-sdk-go VERSION=$(shell cat version.go | grep "Version\ =" | sed -e s/^.*\ //g | sed -e s/\"//g) DIRS_TO_CHECK=$(shell ls -d */ | grep -vE "vendor|test") PKGS_TO_CHECK=$(shell go list ./... | grep -vE "vendor|test") PKGS_TO_RELEASE=$(shell go list ./... | grep -vE "/vendor/|/test") FILES_TO_RELEASE=$(shell find . -name "*.go" | grep -vE "/vendor/|/test|.*_test.go") FILES_TO_RELEASE_WITH_VENDOR=$(shell find . -name "*.go" | grep -vE "/test|.*_test.go") LINT_IGNORE_DOC="service\/.*\.go:.+(comment on exported|should have comment or be unexported)" LINT_IGNORE_CONFLICT="service\/.*\.go:.+(type name will be used as)" LINT_IGNORE_METHOD="GetGlobalUniqueId" help: @echo "Please use \`make \` where is one of" @echo " all to check, build, test and release this SDK" @echo " check to vet and lint the SDK" @echo " generate to generate service code" @echo " build to build the SDK" @echo " unit to run all sort of unit tests except runtime" @echo " unit-test to run unit test" @echo " unit-benchmark to run unit test with benchmark" @echo " unit-coverage to run unit test with coverage" @echo " unit-race to run unit test with race" @echo " unit-runtime to run test with go1.5, go1.6, go 1.7 in docker" @echo " test to run service test" @echo " release to build and release current version" @echo " release-source to pack the source code" @echo " clean to clean the coverage files" all: check build unit release check: vet lint vet: @echo "go tool vet, skipping vendor packages" @go tool vet -all ${DIRS_TO_CHECK} @echo "ok" lint: @echo "golint, skipping vendor packages" @lint=$$(for pkg in ${PKGS_TO_CHECK}; do golint $${pkg}; done); \ lint=$$(echo "$${lint}" | grep -vE -e ${LINT_IGNORE_DOC} -e ${LINT_IGNORE_CONFLICT} -e ${LINT_IGNORE_METHOD}); \ if [[ -n $${lint} ]]; then echo "$${lint}"; exit 1; fi @echo "ok" generate: snips ../qingcloud-api-specs/package.json ./snips \ -f=../qingcloud-api-specs/2013-08-30/swagger/api_v2.0.json \ -t=./template \ -o=./service go fmt ./service/... @echo "ok" snips: curl -L${shell go env GOOS}_amd64.tar.gz | tar zx ../qingcloud-api-specs/package.json: -go get -d file %@ build: @echo "build the SDK" GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build ${PKGS_TO_CHECK} GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build ${PKGS_TO_CHECK} GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build ${PKGS_TO_CHECK} @echo "ok" unit: unit-test unit-benchmark unit-coverage unit-race unit-test: @echo "run unit test" go test -v ${PKGS_TO_CHECK} @echo "ok" unit-benchmark: @echo "run unit test with benchmark" go test -v -bench=. ${PKGS_TO_CHECK} @echo "ok" unit-coverage: @echo "run unit test with coverage" for pkg in ${PKGS_TO_CHECK}; do \ output="coverage$${}"; \ mkdir -p $${output}; \ go test -v -cover -coverprofile="$${output}/profile.out" $${pkg}; \ if [[ -e "$${output}/profile.out" ]]; then \ go tool cover -html="$${output}/profile.out" -o "$${output}/profile.html"; \ fi; \ done @echo "ok" unit-race: @echo "run unit test with race" go test -v -race -cpu=1,2,4 ${PKGS_TO_CHECK} @echo "ok" unit-runtime: unit-runtime-go-1.9 unit-runtime-go-1.10 unit-runtime-go-1.11 export define DOCKERFILE_GO_1_11 FROM golang:1.11 ADD . /go/src/ WORKDIR /go/src/ CMD ["make", "build", "unit"] endef unit-runtime-go-1.11: @echo "run test in go 1.11" echo "$${DOCKERFILE_GO_1_11}" > "dockerfile_go_1.11" docker build -f "./dockerfile_go_1.11" -t "${PREFIX}:go-1.11" . rm -f "./dockerfile_go_1.11" docker run --name "${PREFIX}-go-1.11-unit" -t "${PREFIX}:go-1.11" docker rm "${PREFIX}-go-1.11-unit" docker rmi "${PREFIX}:go-1.11" @echo "ok" export define DOCKERFILE_GO_1_10 FROM golang:1.10 ADD . /go/src/ WORKDIR /go/src/ CMD ["make", "build", "unit"] endef unit-runtime-go-1.10: @echo "run test in go 1.10" echo "$${DOCKERFILE_GO_1_10}" > "dockerfile_go_1.10" docker build -f "./dockerfile_go_1.10" -t "${PREFIX}:go-1.10" . rm -f "./dockerfile_go_1.10" docker run --name "${PREFIX}-go-1.10-unit" -t "${PREFIX}:go-1.10" docker rm "${PREFIX}-go-1.10-unit" docker rmi "${PREFIX}:go-1.10" @echo "ok" export define DOCKERFILE_GO_1_9 FROM golang:1.9 ENV GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT="1" ADD . /go/src/ WORKDIR /go/src/ CMD ["make", "build", "unit"] endef unit-runtime-go-1.9: @echo "run test in go 1.9" echo "$${DOCKERFILE_GO_1_9}" > "dockerfile_go_1.9" docker build -f "./dockerfile_go_1.9" -t "${PREFIX}:go-1.9" . rm -f "./dockerfile_go_1.9" docker run --name "${PREFIX}-go-1.9-unit" -t "${PREFIX}:go-1.9" docker rm "${PREFIX}-go-1.9-unit" docker rmi "${PREFIX}:go-1.9" @echo "ok" test: pushd "./test"; go test ; popd @echo "ok" release: release-source release-source-with-vendor release-source: @echo "pack the source code" mkdir -p "release" @zip -FS "release/${PREFIX}-source-v${VERSION}.zip" ${FILES_TO_RELEASE} @echo "ok" release-source-with-vendor: @echo "pack the source code" mkdir -p "release" @zip -FS "release/${PREFIX}-source-with-vendor-v${VERSION}.zip" ${FILES_TO_RELEASE_WITH_VENDOR} @echo "ok" clean: rm -rf $${PWD}/coverage @echo "ok"