Don't completely strip players who carry contraband

This commit is contained in:
Jonne Lehtinen 2019-06-20 01:52:20 +03:00
parent 90445c3cf6
commit 53b35139fe
1 changed files with 202 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -19,44 +19,214 @@
params [["_backpack", ""]];
private _return = true;
private _playerItems = [];
if ((headgear player) != "") then {_playerItems pushBack (headgear player);};
if ((goggles player) != "") then {_playerItems pushBack (goggles player);};
if ((uniform player) != "") then {_playerItems pushBack (uniform player);};
if ((vest player) != "") then {_playerItems pushBack (vest player);};
if (((backpack player) != "") && ((backpack player) != _backpack)) then {_playerItems pushBack (backpack player);};
{_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (assignedItems player);
{_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (uniformItems player);
{_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (vestItems player);
{_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (backpackItems player);
{_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (weapons player);
{if (_x != "") then {_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;}} forEach (primaryWeaponItems player);
{if (_x != "") then {_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;}} forEach (secondaryWeaponItems player);
{if (_x != "") then {_playerItems pushBackUnique _x;}} forEach (handgunItems player);
private _removedItems = [];
_playerItems = _playerItems apply {toLower _x};
if (!(toLower(headgear player) in KP_liberation_allowed_items)) then {
_removedItems pushBack (headgear player);
removeHeadgear player;
if (!(toLower(goggles player) in KP_liberation_allowed_items)) then {
_removedItems pushBack (goggles player);
removeGoggles player;
if (!(toLower(uniform player) in KP_liberation_allowed_items)) then {
_removedItems pushBack (uniform player);
removeUniform player;
if (!(toLower(vest player) in KP_liberation_allowed_items)) then {
_removedItems pushBack (vest player);
removeVest player;
if (!(toLower(backpack player) in KP_liberation_allowed_items) && ((backpack player) != _backpack)) then {
_removedItems pushBack (backpack player);
removeBackpack player;
private _validItemsCount = {
(_x in KP_liberation_allowed_items)
|| ((_x find "acre") != -1)
|| ((_x find "tf_") != -1)
|| ((_x find "tfar_") != -1)
} count _playerItems;
private _playerItems = assignedItems player;
_playerItems append ((getItemCargo (uniformContainer player)) select 0);
_playerItems append ((getItemCargo (vestContainer player)) select 0);
_playerItems append ((getItemCargo (backpackContainer player)) select 0);
_playerItems = _playerItems apply { toLower _x };
_removedItems pushBack _x;
player unassignItem _x;
player removeItems _x;
} forEach ((_playerItems arrayIntersect _playerItems) - KP_liberation_allowed_items);
if (_validItemsCount != count _playerItems) then {
private _text = format ["[KP LIBERATION] [BLACKLIST] Found %1 at Player %2", (_playerItems - KP_liberation_allowed_items), name player];
private _playerMagazines = ((getMagazineCargo (uniformContainer player)) select 0);
_playerMagazines append ((getMagazineCargo (vestContainer player)) select 0);
_playerMagazines append ((getMagazineCargo (backpackContainer player)) select 0);
_playerMagazines = _playerMagazines apply { toLower _x };
_removedItems pushBack _x;
player removeMagazines _x;
} forEach ((_playerMagazines arrayIntersect _playerMagazines) - KP_liberation_allowed_items);
// This is essentially slightly modified CBA_fnc_removeWeaponCargo because it's not possible to remove
// weapons from containers (uniform, vest, backpack) with removeWeapon.
private _removeWeapons = {
params [["_container", objNull, [objNull]]];
if (isNull _container) exitWith {
private _removed = [];
private _weaponsItemsCargo = weaponsItemsCargo _container;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _container;
private _weaponComponents = {
params [["_weapon", "", [""]]];
private _config = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon;
// Return empty array if the weapon doesn't exist
if (!isClass _config) exitWith {
// get attachments
private _attachments = [];
_attachments pushBack toLower getText (_x >> "item");
} forEach ("true" configClasses (_config >> "LinkedItems")); // inheritance is apparently disabled for these
// get first parent without attachments
private _baseWeapon = "";
while {isClass _config && {getNumber (_config >> "scope") > 0}} do { // Some preset weapons are scope = 1
if (count (_config >> "LinkedItems") == 0) exitWith {
_baseWeapon = configName _config;
_config = inheritsFrom _config;
private _components = [toLower _baseWeapon];
_components append _attachments;
_x params ["_weapon", "_muzzle", "_pointer", "_optic", "_magazine", "_magazineGL", "_bipod"];
// weaponsItems magazineGL does not exist if not loaded (not even as empty array)
if (count _x < 7) then {
_bipod = _magazineGL;
_magazineGL = "";
// Some weapons don't have non-preset parents
_components = _weapon call _weaponComponents;
private _weaponNonPreset = _components select 0;
if (_weaponNonPreset == "") then {
_weaponNonPreset = _weapon;
if (toLower _weapon in KP_liberation_allowed_items) then {
_container addWeaponCargoGlobal [_weaponNonPreset, 1];
// If weapon does not have a non-preset parent, only add attachments that were custom added
// Removed attachments cannot be handled (engine limitation) and will be readded due to having to readd preset weapon
private _presetAttachments = [];
if (_weaponNonPreset == _weapon) then {
_presetAttachments = _components;
if !(toLower _muzzle in _presetAttachments) then {
if (toLower _muzzle in KP_liberation_allowed_items) then {
_container addItemCargoGlobal [_muzzle, 1];
} else {
_removed pushBack _muzzle;
if !(toLower _pointer in _presetAttachments) then {
if (toLower _pointer in KP_liberation_allowed_items) then {
_container addItemCargoGlobal [_pointer, 1];
} else {
_removed pushBack _pointer;
if !(toLower _optic in _presetAttachments) then {
if (toLower _optic in KP_liberation_allowed_items) then {
_container addItemCargoGlobal [_optic, 1];
} else {
_removed pushBack _optic;
if !(toLower _bipod in _presetAttachments) then {
if (toLower _optic in KP_liberation_allowed_items) then {
_container addItemCargoGlobal [_optic, 1];
} else {
_removed pushBack _optic;
_magazine params [["_magazineClass", ""], ["_magazineAmmoCount", 0]];
if (_magazineClass != "") then {
if (toLower _magazineClass in KP_liberation_allowed_items) then {
_container addMagazineAmmoCargo [_magazineClass, 1, _magazineAmmoCount];
} else {
_removed pushBack _magazineClass;
_magazineGL params [["_magazineGLClass", ""], ["_magazineGLAmmoCount", 0]];
if (_magazineGLClass != "") then {
if (toLower _magazineGLClass in KP_liberation_allowed_items) then {
_container addMagazineAmmoCargo [_magazineGLClass, 1, _magazineGLAmmoCount];
} else {
_removed pushBack _magazineGLClass;
} else {
_removed pushBack _weapon;
} forEach _weaponsItemsCargo;
_removedItems append ([uniformContainer player] call _removeWeapons);
_removedItems append ([vestContainer player] call _removeWeapons);
_removedItems append ([backpackContainer player] call _removeWeapons);
private _weapons = weapons player;
_weapons = _weapons apply { toLower _x };
player removeWeapon _x;
_removedItems pushBack _x;
} forEach (_weapons - KP_liberation_allowed_items);
private _weaponItems = primaryWeaponItems player;
_weaponItems append primaryWeaponMagazine player;
_weaponItems = _weaponItems apply { toLower _x };
player removePrimaryWeaponItem _x;
_removedItems pushBack _x;
} forEach (_weaponItems - KP_liberation_allowed_items);
_weaponItems = secondaryWeaponItems player;
_weaponItems append secondaryWeaponMagazine player;
_weaponItems = _weaponItems apply { toLower _x };
player removeSecondaryWeaponItem _x;
_removedItems pushBack _x;
} forEach (_weaponItems - KP_liberation_allowed_items);
_weaponItems = handgunItems player;
_weaponItems append handgunMagazine player;
_weaponItems = _weaponItems apply { toLower _x };
player removeHandgunItem _x;
_removedItems pushBack _x;
} forEach (_weaponItems - KP_liberation_allowed_items);
_removedItems = (_removedItems arrayIntersect _removedItems) - [""];
if (count _removedItems > 0) then {
private _text = format ["[KP LIBERATION] [BLACKLIST] Found %1 at Player %2", (_removedItems), name player];
_text remoteExec ["diag_log",2];
private _badItems = "";
{if (((_x find "acre") == -1) && ((_x find "tf_") == -1) && ((_x find "tfar_") == -1)) then {_badItems = _badItems + _x + "\n";};} forEach (_playerItems - KP_liberation_allowed_items);
{if (((_x find "acre") == -1) && ((_x find "tf_") == -1) && ((_x find "tfar_") == -1)) then {_badItems = _badItems + _x + "\n";};} forEach (_removedItems);
hint format [localize "STR_BLACKLISTED_ITEM_FOUND", _badItems];
removeAllWeapons player;
removeAllItems player;
removeAllAssignedItems player;
removeUniform player;
removeVest player;
removeBackpack player;
removeHeadgear player;
removeGoggles player;
_return = false;