Tweaked FOB template placing and selection

This commit is contained in:
Wyqer 2019-07-25 13:07:24 +02:00
parent 0e1e2b13c5
commit 8467163d7c
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 95 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,19 @@ execVM "scripts\server\resources\unit_cap.sqf";
execVM "scripts\server\sector\lose_sectors.sqf";
execVM "scripts\server\sector\manage_sectors.sqf";
// Select FOB templates
switch (KP_liberation_preset_opfor) do {
default {
KPLIB_fob_templates = [
// Civil Reputation
execVM "scripts\server\civrep\init_module.sqf";

View File

@ -1,34 +1,32 @@
_defenders_amount = 15 * ( sqrt ( GRLIB_unitcap ) );
if ( _defenders_amount > 15 ) then { _defenders_amount = 15 };
_fob_templates = [
_defenders_amount = (15 * (sqrt (GRLIB_unitcap))) min 15;
_spawn_marker = [2000,999999,false] call F_findOpforSpawnPoint;
if (_spawn_marker == "") exitWith {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [ERROR] Could not find position for fob hunting mission";};
used_positions = used_positions + [ _spawn_marker ];
used_positions pushBack _spawn_marker;
_base_position = markerpos _spawn_marker;
_base_objects = [];
_base_objectives = [];
_base_defenders = [];
_template = ([] call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (selectRandom _fob_templates)));
_objects_to_build = _template select 0;
_objectives_to_build = _template select 1;
_defenders_to_build = _template select 2;
_base_corners = _template select 3;
([] call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (selectRandom KPLIB_fob_templates))) params [
private _nextobject = objNull;
_nextclass = _x select 0;
_nextpos = _x select 1;
_x params [
_nextpos = [((_base_position select 0) + (_nextpos select 0)), ((_base_position select 1) + (_nextpos select 1)), 0];
_nextdir = _x select 2;
_nextobject = _nextclass createVehicle _nextpos;
_nextobject setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
@ -37,17 +35,20 @@ _base_corners = _template select 3;
_nextobject setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
_nextobject setdir _nextdir;
_nextobject setpos _nextpos;
_base_objects = _base_objects + [_nextobject];
} foreach _objects_to_build;
_base_objects pushBack _nextobject;
} forEach _objects_to_build;
sleep 1;
_nextclass = _x select 0;
_nextpos = _x select 1;
_x params [
_nextpos = [((_base_position select 0) + (_nextpos select 0)), ((_base_position select 1) + (_nextpos select 1)), 0.5];
_nextdir = _x select 2;
_nextobject = _nextclass createVehicle [(_nextpos select 0) + (random 500), (_nextpos select 1) + (random 500), 0.5];
_nextobject setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ sleep 1;
_nextobject setdir _nextdir;
_nextobject lock 2;
_base_objectives = _base_objectives + [_nextobject];
} foreach _objectives_to_build;
_base_objects pushBack _nextobject;
} forEach _objectives_to_build;
sleep 1;
@ -67,41 +68,45 @@ sleep 1;
_grpdefenders = createGroup [GRLIB_side_enemy, true];
_idxselected = [];
while {count _idxselected < _defenders_amount} do {
_idx = floor (random (count _defenders_to_build));
if (!(_idx in _idxselected)) then {
_idxselected pushback _idx;
_idxselected pushBack _idx;
_nextentry = _defenders_to_build select _x;
_nextclass = _nextentry select 0;
_nextpos = _nextentry select 1;
_nextpos = [((_base_position select 0) + (_nextpos select 0)),((_base_position select 1) + (_nextpos select 1)),(_nextpos select 2)];
_nextdir = _nextentry select 2;
_nextclass createUnit [_nextpos, _grpdefenders,"nextdefender = this; this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
nextdefender setpos _nextpos;
nextdefender setdir _nextdir;
[nextdefender] spawn building_defence_ai;
} foreach _idxselected;
(_defenders_to_build select _x) params [
_sentry = ceil ((3 + (floor (random 4))) * ( sqrt ( GRLIB_unitcap ) ) );
_nextpos = [((_base_position select 0) + (_nextpos select 0)), ((_base_position select 1) + (_nextpos select 1)), (_nextpos select 2)];
_nextclass createUnit [_nextpos, _grpdefenders, "nextdefender = this; this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
nextdefender setdir _nextdir;
nextdefender setpos _nextpos;
[nextdefender] spawn building_defence_ai;
} forEach _idxselected;
private _sentryMax = ceil ((3 + (floor (random 4))) * (sqrt (GRLIB_unitcap)));
_grpsentry = createGroup [GRLIB_side_enemy, true];
_base_sentry_pos = [(_base_position select 0) + ((_base_corners select 0) select 0), (_base_position select 1) + ((_base_corners select 0) select 1),0];
for [ {_idx=0},{_idx < _sentry},{_idx=_idx+1} ] do {
for [{_idx=0}, {_idx < _sentryMax}, {_idx=_idx+1}] do {
opfor_sentry createUnit [_base_sentry_pos, _grpsentry,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
while {(count (waypoints _grpsentry)) != 0} do {deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _grpsentry) select 0);};
private _waypoint = [];
_waypoint = _grpsentry addWaypoint [[((_base_position select 0) + (_x select 0)), ((_base_position select 1) + (_x select 1)),0], 0];
_waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE";
_waypoint setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE";
_waypoint setWaypointCompletionRadius 5;
} foreach _base_corners;
} forEach _base_corners;
_waypoint = _grpsentry addWaypoint [[(_base_position select 0) + ((_base_corners select 0) select 0), (_base_position select 1) + ((_base_corners select 0) select 1), 0], 0];
_waypoint setWaypointType "CYCLE";
@ -112,12 +117,13 @@ secondary_objective_position = _base_position;
secondary_objective_position_marker = [(((secondary_objective_position select 0) + 800) - random 1600), (((secondary_objective_position select 1) + 800) - random 1600), 0];
publicVariable "secondary_objective_position_marker";
sleep 1;
GRLIB_secondary_in_progress = 0; publicVariable "GRLIB_secondary_in_progress";
[2] remoteExec ["remote_call_intel"];
waitUntil {
sleep 5;
( { alive _x } count _base_objectives ) <= 1
(_base_objectives select {alive _x}) isEqualTo []
combat_readiness = round (combat_readiness * GRLIB_secondary_objective_impact);