tweaked save_manager.sqf pt2 (WIP)

This commit is contained in:
Wyqer 2019-06-18 22:50:22 +02:00
parent baf3871440
commit e88f925651
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 91 additions and 159 deletions

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@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ while { true } do {
[ _vehicle ] call F_forceBluforCrew;
_vehicle call F_addObjectInit;
[_vehicle] call F_addObjectInit;
sleep 0.3;
_vehicle allowDamage true;

View File

@ -277,157 +277,79 @@ if (!isNil "greuh_liberation_savegame") then {
setDate [2045, 6, 6, _dateTime, 0]; // Compatibility for older save data
//_objectsToSave pushBack [_class,_savedpos,_nextdir,_hascrew,_savedvec]; OLD
//_objectsToSave pushBack [_class,_savedpos,_savedvecdir,_savedvecup,_hascrew]; NEW
// Collection array for all objects which are loaded
private _spawnedObjects = [];
// Spawn all saved objects
// Classname of object to spawn
private _class = _x select 0;
// Fetch data of saved object
_x params ["_class", "_pos", "_vecDir", "_vecUp", ["_hasCrew", false]];
// Pre 0.96.5 compatibility with repair building, as it was replaced by default with a different classname
if (!(KP_liberation_recycle_building == "Land_CarService_F") && (_class == "Land_CarService_F")) then {
_class = KP_liberation_recycle_building;
if (((greuh_liberation_savegame select 0) select 0) isEqualType 0) then {
// Pre 0.96.5 compatibility with repair building, as it was replaced by default with a different classname
if ((KP_liberation_recycle_building != "Land_CarService_F") && (_class == "Land_CarService_F")) then {
_class = KP_liberation_recycle_building;
// Pre 0.96.5 compatibility with air building, as it was replaced by default with a different classname
if ((KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building != "Land_Radar_Small_F") && (_class == "Land_Radar_Small_F")) then {
_class = KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building;
// Pre 0.96.5 compatibility with air building, as it was replaced by default with a different classname
if (!(KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building == "Land_Radar_Small_F") && (_class == "Land_Radar_Small_F")) then {
_class = KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building;
--- Done until here ---
--- Below still to do ---
// Only spawn, if the classname is still in the presets
if (_class in _classnamesToSave) then {
private _pos = _x select 1;
private _vecdir = _x select 2;
private _vecup = _x select 3;
private _hascrew = false;
// Create object without damage handling and simulation
private _object = createVehicle [_class, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object allowdamage false;
_object enableSimulation false;
// Add object to spawned objects collection
_spawnedObjects pushBack _object;
// Reposition spawned object
_object setPosWorld _pos;
_object setVectorDirAndUp [_vecdir, _vecup];
_hascrew = _x param [4, false];
_object setVectorDirAndUp [_vecDir, _vecUp];
// Add blufor crew, if it had crew
if (_hascrew) then {
[ _object ] call F_forceBluforCrew;
[_object] call F_forceBluforCrew;
// Apply kill manager handling, if not excluded
if !(_class in _noKillHandler) then {
_object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}];
// Set captured variable, if it's an OPFOR vehicle
if (_class in all_hostile_classnames) then {
_object setVariable ["GRLIB_captured", 1, true];
// Prevent damage for the FOB building
if (_class == FOB_typename) then {
_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {0}];
_object call F_addObjectInit;
// Process KP object init
[_object] call F_addObjectInit;
if !(_class in KP_liberation_ace_crates) then {
if(KP_liberation_clear_cargo || !(_class isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then {
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object;
clearItemCargoGlobal _object;
// Determine if cargo should be cleared
if (KP_liberation_clear_cargo || {!(_class in KP_liberation_ace_crates)} || {!(_class isKindOf "AllVehicles")}) then {
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object;
clearItemCargoGlobal _object;
// Mark civilian vehicle as "already seized"
if (_class in civilian_vehicles) then {
KP_liberation_cr_vehicles pushBack _object;
} forEach _objectsToSave;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Saved buildings placed";};
private _class = _x select 0;
if (_class in _classnamesToSave) then {
//_resourceStorages pushBack [_class,_savedpos,_nextdir,_supplyValue,_ammoValue,_fuelValue,_savedvec]; OLD
//_resourceStorages pushBack [_class,_savedpos,_savedvecdir,_savedvecup,_supplyValue,_ammoValue,_fuelValue]; NEW
private _pos = _x select 1;
private _vecdir = _x select 2;
private _vecup = _x select 3;
private _supply = 0;
private _ammo = 0;
private _fuel = 0;
private _object = createVehicle [_class, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];;
_object allowdamage false;
_object enableSimulation false;
// Old savegame version (Backwards compatibility)
if (typeName _vecdir == typeName 0) then {
_object setPosATL _pos;
_object setdir _vecdir; // actually a number
_supply = floor (_x select 3);
_ammo = floor (_x select 4);
_fuel = floor (_x select 5);
// New savegame version
} else {
_object setPosWorld _pos;
_object setVectorDirAndUp [_vecdir, _vecup];
_supply = floor (_x select 4);
_ammo = floor (_x select 5);
_fuel = floor (_x select 6);
_object setdamage 0;
_object enableSimulation true;
_object allowdamage true;
_object setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 0, true];
while {_supply > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_supply / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _supply;
_supply = _supply - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_supply_crate, _amount, _pos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _object] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_ammo > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_ammo / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _ammo;
_ammo = _ammo - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_ammo_crate, _amount, _pos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _object] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_fuel > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_fuel / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _fuel;
_fuel = _fuel - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_fuel_crate, _amount, _pos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _object] call F_crateToStorage;
} forEach _resourceStorages;
// Re-enable physics on the spawned objects
_x enableSimulation true;
@ -435,80 +357,90 @@ if (!isNil "greuh_liberation_savegame") then {
_x allowdamage true;
} forEach _spawnedObjects;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Saved buildings placed";};
// Spawn saved resource storages and their content
_x params ["_class", "_pos", "_vecDir", "_vecUp", "_supply", "_ammo", "_fuel"];
// Only spawn, if the classname is still in the presets
if (_class in _classnamesToSave) then {
// Create object without damage handling and simulation
private _object = createVehicle [_class, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];;
_object allowdamage false;
_object enableSimulation false;
// Reposition spawned object
_object setPosWorld _pos;
_object setVectorDirAndUp [_vecDir, _vecUp];
// Re-enable physics on spawned object
_object setdamage 0;
_object enableSimulation true;
_object allowdamage true;
// Mark it as FOB storage
_object setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 0, true];
// Fill storage with saved resources
[floor _supply, floor _ammo, floor _fuel, _object] call F_fillStorage;
} forEach _resourceStorages;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Saved storages placed"};
// Spawn saved sector storages and their content
private _storage = _x select 3;
// Spawn storage, if sector has valid storage
if ((count _storage) == 3) then {
private _pos = _storage select 0;
private _nextdir = _storage select 1;
_storage params ["_pos", "_dir", "_vecUp"];
// Create object without damage handling and simulation
private _object = createVehicle [KP_liberation_small_storage_building, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object enableSimulationGlobal false;
_object allowdamage false;
if (count (_storage select 2) == 3) then {
_object setVectorUp (_storage select 2);
_object setPosATL _pos;
_object setdamage 0;
_object setdir _nextdir;
_object setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 1, true];
_object enableSimulationGlobal true;
// Reposition spawned object
_object setdir _dir;
_object setVectorUp _vecUp;
_object setPosATL _pos;
// Re-enable physics on spawned object
_object setdamage 0;
_object enableSimulation true;
_object allowdamage true;
private _supply = floor (_x select 9);
private _ammo = floor (_x select 10);
private _fuel = floor (_x select 11);
// Mark it as sector storage
_object setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 1, true];
while {_supply > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_supply / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _supply;
_supply = _supply - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_supply_crate, _amount, _pos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _object] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_ammo > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_ammo / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _ammo;
_ammo = _ammo - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_ammo_crate, _amount, _pos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _object] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_fuel > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_fuel / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _fuel;
_fuel = _fuel - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_fuel_crate, _amount, _pos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _object] call F_crateToStorage;
// Fill storage
[floor (_x select 9), floor (_x select 10), floor (_x select 11), _object] call F_fillStorage;
} forEach KP_liberation_production;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Saved sector storages placed";};
--- Done until here ---
--- Below still to do ---
// Spawn BLUFOR AI groups
private _nextgroup = _x;
private _savedGroup = _x;
private _grp = createGroup [GRLIB_side_friendly, true];
private _nextunit = _x;
private _pos = [(_nextunit select 1) select 0, (_nextunit select 1) select 1, ((_nextunit select 1) select 2) + 0.2];
private _nextdir = _nextunit select 2;
(_nextunit select 0) createUnit [ _pos, _grp, 'this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}] '];
private _unit = _x;
private _pos = [(_unit select 1) select 0, (_unit select 1) select 1, ((_unit select 1) select 2) + 0.2];
private _dir = _unit select 2;
(_unit select 0) createUnit [ _pos, _grp, 'this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}] '];
private _nextobj = ((units _grp) select ((count (units _grp)) - 1));
_nextobj setDir _dir;
_nextobj setPosATL _pos;
_nextobj setDir _nextdir;
} forEach _nextgroup;
} forEach _savedGroup;
} forEach ai_groups;
diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Save loading finished";