
241 lines
10 KiB

private [ "_overlayshown", "_sectorcontrols", "_resourcescontrols", "_active_sectors_hint", "_uiticks", "_attacked_string", "_active_sectors_string", "_color_readiness", "_nearest_active_sector", "_zone_size", "_colorzone", "_bar", "_barwidth", "_first_iteration", "_distfob", "_nearfob", "_fobdistance", "_resources", "_notNearFOB", "_resource_area"];
_overlayshown = false;
_sectorcontrols = [
201, // BG Picture Sector
202, // Capture Frame
203, // Capture Frame OPFOR
205, // Label Point
244 // Capture Frame BLUFOR
_resourcescontrols = [
758001, // BG Picture
758002, // Picture FOB
758003, // Picture FOB Shadow
758004, // Label FOB
758005, // Picture Supplies
758006, // Picture Supplies Shadow
758007, // Label Supplies
758008, // Picture Ammo
758009, // Picture Ammo Shadow
758010, // Label Ammo
758011, // Picture Fuel
758012, // Picture Fuel Shadow
758013, // Label Fuel
758014, // Picture Cap
758015, // Picture Cap Shadow
758016, // Label Cap
758017, // Picture Heli
758018, // Picture Heli Shadow
758019, // Label Heli
758020, // Picture Plane
758021, // Picture Plane Shadow
758022, // Label Plane
758023, // Picture Combat Readiness
758024, // Picture Combat Readiness Shadow
758025, // Label Combat Readiness
758026, // Picture Civ Rep
758027, // Picture Civ Rep Shadow
758028, // Label Civ Rep
758029, // Picture Intel
758030, // Picture Intel Shadow
758031 // Label Intel
_active_sectors_hint = false;
_first_iteration = true;
_distfob = 100;
_notNearFOB = false;
_resource_area = "";
GRLIB_ui_notif = "";
KP_liberation_supplies = 0;
KP_liberation_ammo = 0;
KP_liberation_fuel = 0;
KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building_near = false;
KP_liberation_recycle_building_near = false;
_uiticks = 0;
waitUntil { !isNil "synchro_done" };
waitUntil { synchro_done };
if ( isNil "cinematic_camera_started" ) then { cinematic_camera_started = false };
if ( isNil "halojumping" ) then { halojumping = false };
while { true } do {
if ( isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758007)) && _overlayshown ) then {
_overlayshown = false;
_first_iteration = true;
if ( alive player && !dialog && !_overlayshown && !cinematic_camera_started && !halojumping ) then {
cutRsc["statusoverlay", "PLAIN", 1];
_overlayshown = true;
_first_iteration = true;
_uiticks = 0;
if ( ( !alive player || dialog || cinematic_camera_started ) && _overlayshown) then {
cutRsc["blank", "PLAIN", 0];
_overlayshown = false;
_first_iteration = true;
_nearfob = [] call F_getNearestFob;
_fobdistance = 9999;
_actual_fob = [];
if ( count _nearfob == 3 ) then {
_fobdistance = player distance _nearfob;
_actual_fob = [KP_liberation_fob_resources, {((_x select 0) distance _nearfob) < GRLIB_fob_range}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
if (_fobdistance < _distfob) then {
_resources = true;
if (KP_liberation_resources_global) then {
_resource_area = localize "STR_RESOURCE_GLOBAL";
KP_liberation_supplies = KP_liberation_supplies_global;
KP_liberation_ammo = KP_liberation_ammo_global;
KP_liberation_fuel = KP_liberation_fuel_global;
} else {
_resource_area = toUpper ([_nearfob] call F_getFobName);
KP_liberation_supplies = ((_actual_fob select 0) select 1);
KP_liberation_ammo = ((_actual_fob select 0) select 2);
KP_liberation_fuel = ((_actual_fob select 0) select 3);
KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building_near = ((_actual_fob select 0) select 4);
KP_liberation_recycle_building_near = ((_actual_fob select 0) select 5);
} else {
_resources = false;
KP_liberation_supplies = 0;
KP_liberation_ammo = 0;
KP_liberation_fuel = 0;
KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building_near = false;
KP_liberation_recycle_building_near = false;
if ( _overlayshown) then {
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (266)) ctrlSetText format [ "%1", GRLIB_ui_notif ];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (267)) ctrlSetText format [ "%1", GRLIB_ui_notif ];
if ((getmarkerpos "opfor_capture_marker") distance markers_reset > 100 ) then {
private [ "_attacked_string" ];
_attacked_string = [ markerpos "opfor_capture_marker" ] call F_getLocationName;
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (401)) ctrlShow true;
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (402)) ctrlSetText _attacked_string;
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (403)) ctrlSetText (markerText "opfor_capture_marker");
} else {
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (401)) ctrlShow false;
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (402)) ctrlSetText "";
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (403)) ctrlSetText "";
if (_resources) then {
{((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (_x)) ctrlShow true;} foreach _resourcescontrols;
// Fix for small script error that variables will be "any" for a second after an FOB has been build
if (isNil "KP_liberation_supplies") then {KP_liberation_supplies = 0;};
if (isNil "KP_liberation_ammo") then {KP_liberation_ammo = 0;};
if (isNil "KP_liberation_fuel") then {KP_liberation_fuel = 0;};
if ((_uiticks % 5 == 0) || _notNearFOB) then {
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758004)) ctrlSetText format ["%1", _resource_area];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758007)) ctrlSetText format ["%1", (floor KP_liberation_supplies)];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758010)) ctrlSetText format ["%1", (floor KP_liberation_ammo)];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758013)) ctrlSetText format ["%1", (floor KP_liberation_fuel)];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758016)) ctrlSetText format ["%1/%2", unitcap,([] call F_localCap)];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758019)) ctrlSetText format ["%1/%2", KP_liberation_heli_count, KP_liberation_heli_slots];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758022)) ctrlSetText format ["%1/%2", KP_liberation_plane_count, KP_liberation_plane_slots];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758025)) ctrlSetText format ["%1%2", round(combat_readiness),"%"];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758028)) ctrlSetText format ["%1", KP_liberation_civ_rep];
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758031)) ctrlSetText format ["%1", round(resources_intel)];
_color_readiness = [0.8,0.8,0.8,1];
if ( combat_readiness >= 25 ) then { _color_readiness = [0.8,0.8,0,1] };
if ( combat_readiness >= 50 ) then { _color_readiness = [0.8,0.6,0,1] };
if ( combat_readiness >= 75 ) then { _color_readiness = [0.8,0.3,0,1] };
if ( combat_readiness >= 100 ) then { _color_readiness = [0.8,0,0,1] };
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758023)) ctrlSetTextColor _color_readiness;
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (758025)) ctrlSetTextColor _color_readiness;
_notNearFOB = false;
} else {
{((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (_x)) ctrlShow false;} foreach _resourcescontrols;
_notNearFOB = true;
if ( _uiticks % 25 == 0 ) then {
if (!isNil "active_sectors" && ( [] call F_opforCap >= GRLIB_sector_cap)) then {
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (517)) ctrlShow true;
if ( !_active_sectors_hint ) then {
hint localize "STR_OVERLOAD_HINT";
_active_sectors_hint = true;
_active_sectors_string = "<t align='right' color='#e0e000'>" + (localize "STR_ACTIVE_SECTORS") + "<br/>";
_active_sectors_string = _active_sectors_string + (markertext _x) + "<br/>";
} foreach active_sectors;
_active_sectors_string = _active_sectors_string + "</t>";
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (516)) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _active_sectors_string;
} else {
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (516)) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText " ";
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (517)) ctrlShow false;
_nearest_active_sector = [ GRLIB_sector_size ] call F_getNearestSector;
if ( _nearest_active_sector != "" ) then {
_zone_size = GRLIB_capture_size;
if ( _nearest_active_sector in sectors_bigtown ) then {
_zone_size = GRLIB_capture_size * 1.4;
"zone_capture" setmarkerposlocal (markerpos _nearest_active_sector);
_colorzone = "ColorGrey";
if ( [ markerpos _nearest_active_sector, _zone_size ] call F_sectorOwnership == GRLIB_side_friendly ) then { _colorzone = GRLIB_color_friendly };
if ( [ markerpos _nearest_active_sector, _zone_size ] call F_sectorOwnership == GRLIB_side_enemy ) then { _colorzone = GRLIB_color_enemy };
if ( [ markerpos _nearest_active_sector, _zone_size ] call F_sectorOwnership == GRLIB_side_resistance ) then { _colorzone = "ColorCivilian" };
"zone_capture" setmarkercolorlocal _colorzone;
_ratio = [_nearest_active_sector] call F_getForceRatio;
_barwidth = 0.084 * safezoneW * _ratio;
_bar = (uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (244);
_bar ctrlSetPosition [(ctrlPosition _bar) select 0,(ctrlPosition _bar) select 1,_barwidth,(ctrlPosition _bar) select 3];
if ( _first_iteration ) then {
_first_iteration = false;
_bar ctrlCommit 0;
} else {
_bar ctrlCommit 2;
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (205)) ctrlSetText (markerText _nearest_active_sector);
{ ((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (_x)) ctrlShow true; } foreach _sectorcontrols;
if ( _nearest_active_sector in blufor_sectors ) then {
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (205)) ctrlSetTextColor [0,0.3,1.0,1];
} else {
((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (205)) ctrlSetTextColor [0.85,0,0,1];
"zone_capture" setMarkerSizeLocal [ _zone_size,_zone_size ];
} else {
{ ((uiNamespace getVariable 'GUI_OVERLAY') displayCtrl (_x)) ctrlShow false; } foreach _sectorcontrols;
"zone_capture" setmarkerposlocal markers_reset;
_uiticks = _uiticks + 1;
if ( _uiticks > 1000 ) then { _uiticks = 0 };
uiSleep 0.25;