
639 lines
23 KiB

if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] save_manager.sqf started - time: %1", diag_tickTime];};
if (!(isNil "GRLIB_param_wipe_savegame_1") && !(isNil "GRLIB_param_wipe_savegame_2")) then {
if (GRLIB_param_wipe_savegame_1 == 1 && GRLIB_param_wipe_savegame_2 == 1) then {
profileNamespace setVariable [GRLIB_save_key,nil];
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Save wiped";};
} else {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] No save wipe";};
} else {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Wipe params where nil";};
date_year = date select 0;
date_month = date select 1;
date_day = date select 2;
blufor_sectors = [];
GRLIB_all_fobs = [];
buildings_to_save= [];
combat_readiness = 0;
KP_liberation_storages = [];
KP_liberation_production = [];
KP_liberation_logistics = [];
stats_opfor_soldiers_killed = 0;
stats_opfor_killed_by_players = 0;
stats_blufor_soldiers_killed = 0;
stats_player_deaths = 0;
stats_opfor_vehicles_killed = 0;
stats_opfor_vehicles_killed_by_players = 0;
stats_blufor_vehicles_killed = 0;
stats_blufor_soldiers_recruited = 0;
stats_blufor_vehicles_built = 0;
stats_civilians_killed = 0;
stats_civilians_killed_by_players = 0;
stats_sectors_liberated = 0;
stats_playtime = 0;
stats_spartan_respawns = 0;
stats_secondary_objectives = 0;
stats_hostile_battlegroups = 0;
stats_ieds_detonated = 0; publicVariable "stats_ieds_detonated";
stats_saves_performed = 0;
stats_saves_loaded = 0;
stats_reinforcements_called = 0;
stats_prisonners_captured = 0;
stats_blufor_teamkills = 0;
stats_vehicles_recycled = 0;
stats_ammo_spent = 0;
stats_sectors_lost = 0;
stats_fobs_built = 0;
stats_fobs_lost = 0;
stats_readiness_earned = 0;
infantry_weight = 33;
armor_weight = 33;
air_weight = 33;
GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links = [];
GRLIB_permissions = [];
ai_groups = [];
resources_intel = 0;
GRLIB_player_scores = [];
KP_liberation_civ_rep = 0;
KP_liberation_cr_vehicles = [];
KP_liberation_production_markers = [];
KP_liberation_guerilla_strength = 0;
no_kill_handler_classnames = [FOB_typename, huron_typename];
private _classnames_to_save = [FOB_typename, huron_typename];
private _classnames_to_save_blu = [];
private _building_classnames = [FOB_typename];
no_kill_handler_classnames pushback (_x select 0);
_classnames_to_save pushback (_x select 0);
_building_classnames pushback (_x select 0);
} foreach buildings;
_classnames_to_save_blu pushback (_x select 0);
} foreach (static_vehicles + air_vehicles + heavy_vehicles + light_vehicles + support_vehicles);
_classnames_to_save = _classnames_to_save + _classnames_to_save_blu + all_hostile_classnames + civilian_vehicles;
trigger_server_save = false;
greuh_liberation_savegame = profileNamespace getVariable GRLIB_save_key;
if (!isNil "greuh_liberation_savegame") then {
blufor_sectors = greuh_liberation_savegame select 0;
GRLIB_all_fobs = greuh_liberation_savegame select 1;
buildings_to_save = greuh_liberation_savegame select 2;
time_of_day = greuh_liberation_savegame select 3;
combat_readiness = greuh_liberation_savegame select 4;
KP_liberation_storages = greuh_liberation_savegame select 5;
KP_liberation_production = greuh_liberation_savegame select 6;
KP_liberation_logistics = greuh_liberation_savegame select 7;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 8) then {
_stats = greuh_liberation_savegame select 8;
stats_opfor_soldiers_killed = _stats select 0;
stats_opfor_killed_by_players = _stats select 1;
stats_blufor_soldiers_killed = _stats select 2;
stats_player_deaths = _stats select 3;
stats_opfor_vehicles_killed = _stats select 4;
stats_opfor_vehicles_killed_by_players = _stats select 5;
stats_blufor_vehicles_killed = _stats select 6;
stats_blufor_soldiers_recruited = _stats select 7;
stats_blufor_vehicles_built = _stats select 8;
stats_civilians_killed = _stats select 9;
stats_civilians_killed_by_players = _stats select 10;
stats_sectors_liberated = _stats select 11;
stats_playtime = _stats select 12;
stats_spartan_respawns = _stats select 13;
stats_secondary_objectives = _stats select 14;
stats_hostile_battlegroups = _stats select 15;
stats_ieds_detonated = _stats select 16; publicVariable "stats_ieds_detonated";
stats_saves_performed = _stats select 17;
stats_saves_loaded = _stats select 18;
stats_reinforcements_called = _stats select 19;
stats_prisonners_captured = _stats select 20;
stats_blufor_teamkills = _stats select 21;
stats_vehicles_recycled = _stats select 22;
stats_ammo_spent = _stats select 23;
stats_sectors_lost = _stats select 24;
stats_fobs_built = _stats select 25;
stats_fobs_lost = _stats select 26;
stats_readiness_earned = _stats select 27;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 9) then {
_weights = greuh_liberation_savegame select 9;
infantry_weight = _weights select 0;
armor_weight = _weights select 1;
air_weight = _weights select 2;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 10) then {
GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links = greuh_liberation_savegame select 10;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 11) then {
GRLIB_permissions = greuh_liberation_savegame select 11;
// Compatibility with prior version (reset once for reassign)
if (count (GRLIB_permissions select 0) < 3) then {GRLIB_permissions = [];};
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 12) then {
ai_groups = greuh_liberation_savegame select 12;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 13) then {
resources_intel = greuh_liberation_savegame select 13;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 14) then {
GRLIB_player_scores = greuh_liberation_savegame select 14;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 15) then {
KP_liberation_civ_rep = greuh_liberation_savegame select 15;
if (KP_liberation_civ_rep <= -25) then {
GRLIB_side_resistance setFriend [GRLIB_side_enemy, 1];
GRLIB_side_enemy setFriend [GRLIB_side_resistance, 1];
GRLIB_side_resistance setFriend [GRLIB_side_friendly, 0];
GRLIB_side_friendly setFriend [GRLIB_side_resistance, 0];
if (KP_liberation_civ_rep > -25 && KP_liberation_civ_rep < 25) then {
GRLIB_side_resistance setFriend [GRLIB_side_enemy, 1];
GRLIB_side_enemy setFriend [GRLIB_side_resistance, 1];
GRLIB_side_resistance setFriend [GRLIB_side_friendly, 1];
GRLIB_side_friendly setFriend [GRLIB_side_resistance, 1];
if (KP_liberation_civ_rep >= 25) then {
GRLIB_side_resistance setFriend [GRLIB_side_friendly, 1];
GRLIB_side_friendly setFriend [GRLIB_side_resistance, 1];
GRLIB_side_resistance setFriend [GRLIB_side_enemy, 0];
GRLIB_side_enemy setFriend [GRLIB_side_resistance, 0];
if (KP_liberation_civrep_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [CIVREP] %1 getFriend %2: %3 - %1 getFriend %4: %5", GRLIB_side_resistance, GRLIB_side_enemy, (GRLIB_side_resistance getFriend GRLIB_side_enemy), GRLIB_side_friendly, (GRLIB_side_resistance getFriend GRLIB_side_friendly)];};
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 16) then {
KP_liberation_production_markers = greuh_liberation_savegame select 16;
if (count greuh_liberation_savegame > 17) then {
KP_liberation_guerilla_strength = greuh_liberation_savegame select 17;
setDate [2045, 6, 6, time_of_day, 0];
private _correct_fobs = [];
private _next_fob = _x;
private _keep_fob = true;
if (_next_fob distance (markerpos _x) < 50) exitWith {_keep_fob = false};
} forEach sectors_allSectors;
if (_keep_fob) then {_correct_fobs pushback _next_fob};
} forEach GRLIB_all_fobs;
GRLIB_all_fobs = _correct_fobs;
stats_saves_loaded = stats_saves_loaded + 1;
private _spawnedBuildings = [];
private _nextclass = _x select 0;
if (_nextclass in _classnames_to_save) then {
//buildings_to_save pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_nextdir,_hascrew,_savedvec]; OLD
//buildings_to_save pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_savedvecdir,_savedvecup,_hascrew]; NEW
private _nextpos = _x select 1;
private _nextvecdir = _x select 2;
private _nextvecup = _x select 3;
private _hascrew = false;
private _nextbuilding = createVehicle [_nextclass, _nextpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_nextbuilding allowdamage false;
_nextbuilding enableSimulation false;
_spawnedBuildings pushBack _nextbuilding;
// Old savegame version (Backwards compatibility)
if (typeName _nextvecdir == typeName 0) then {
_nextbuilding setPosATL _nextpos;
_nextbuilding setdir _nextvecdir; // actually a number
_hascrew = _x param [3, false];
// New savegame version
} else {
_nextbuilding setPosWorld _nextpos;
_nextbuilding setVectorDirAndUp [_nextvecdir, _nextvecup];
_hascrew = _x param [4, false];
if (_hascrew) then {
[ _nextbuilding ] call F_forceBluforCrew;
if !(_nextclass in no_kill_handler_classnames) then {
_nextbuilding addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}];
if (_nextclass in all_hostile_classnames) then {
_nextbuilding setVariable ["GRLIB_captured", 1, true];
if (_nextclass == FOB_typename) then {
_nextbuilding addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {0}];
if (_nextclass in KP_liberation_medical_vehicles) then {
_nextbuilding setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 1, true];
if (_nextclass == "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F" || _nextclass == "Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F") then {
_nextbuilding setVariable ["ace_medical_isMedicalFacility", true, true];
if (_nextclass == KP_liberation_recycle_building) then {
_nextbuilding setVariable ["ace_isRepairFacility", 1, true];
if (_nextclass == "Flag_White_F") then {
_nextbuilding setFlagTexture "res\kpflag.jpg";
if !(_nextclass in KP_liberation_ace_crates) then {
if(KP_liberation_clear_cargo || !(_nextclass isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then {
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _nextbuilding;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _nextbuilding;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _nextbuilding;
clearItemCargoGlobal _nextbuilding;
if (_nextclass == "Land_HelipadSquare_F" || _nextclass == "Land_HelipadCircle_F" || _nextclass == "Land_HelipadRescue_F") then {
_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[_nextbuilding],true];
} forEach allCurators;
if (_nextclass in civilian_vehicles) then {
KP_liberation_cr_vehicles pushBack _nextbuilding;
} forEach buildings_to_save;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Saved buildings placed";};
private _nextclass = _x select 0;
if (_nextclass in _classnames_to_save) then {
//KP_liberation_storages pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_nextdir,_supplyValue,_ammoValue,_fuelValue,_savedvec]; OLD
//KP_liberation_storages pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_savedvecdir,_savedvecup,_supplyValue,_ammoValue,_fuelValue]; NEW
private _nextpos = _x select 1;
private _nextvecdir = _x select 2;
private _nextvecup = _x select 3;
private _supply = 0;
private _ammo = 0;
private _fuel = 0;
private _nextbuilding = createVehicle [_nextclass, _nextpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];;
_nextbuilding allowdamage false;
_nextbuilding enableSimulation false;
// Old savegame version (Backwards compatibility)
if (typeName _nextvecdir == typeName 0) then {
_nextbuilding setPosATL _nextpos;
_nextbuilding setdir _nextvecdir; // actually a number
_supply = floor (_x select 3);
_ammo = floor (_x select 4);
_fuel = floor (_x select 5);
// New savegame version
} else {
_nextbuilding setPosWorld _nextpos;
_nextbuilding setVectorDirAndUp [_nextvecdir, _nextvecup];
_supply = floor (_x select 4);
_ammo = floor (_x select 5);
_fuel = floor (_x select 6);
_nextbuilding setdamage 0;
_nextbuilding enableSimulation true;
_nextbuilding allowdamage true;
_nextbuilding setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 0, true];
while {_supply > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_supply / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _supply;
_supply = _supply - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_supply_crate, _amount, _nextpos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _nextbuilding] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_ammo > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_ammo / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _ammo;
_ammo = _ammo - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_ammo_crate, _amount, _nextpos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _nextbuilding] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_fuel > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_fuel / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _fuel;
_fuel = _fuel - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_fuel_crate, _amount, _nextpos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _nextbuilding] call F_crateToStorage;
} forEach KP_liberation_storages;
// Re-enable physics on the spawned objects
_x enableSimulation true;
_x setdamage 0;
_x allowdamage true;
} forEach _spawnedBuildings;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Saved storages placed"};
private _storage = _x select 3;
if ((count _storage) == 3) then {
private _nextpos = _storage select 0;
private _nextdir = _storage select 1;
private _nextbuilding = createVehicle [KP_liberation_small_storage_building, _nextpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_nextbuilding enableSimulationGlobal false;
_nextbuilding allowdamage false;
if (count (_storage select 2) == 3) then {
_nextbuilding setVectorUp (_storage select 2);
_nextbuilding setPosATL _nextpos;
_nextbuilding setdamage 0;
_nextbuilding setdir _nextdir;
_nextbuilding setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 1, true];
_nextbuilding enableSimulationGlobal true;
_nextbuilding allowdamage true;
private _supply = floor (_x select 9);
private _ammo = floor (_x select 10);
private _fuel = floor (_x select 11);
while {_supply > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_supply / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _supply;
_supply = _supply - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_supply_crate, _amount, _nextpos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _nextbuilding] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_ammo > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_ammo / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _ammo;
_ammo = _ammo - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_ammo_crate, _amount, _nextpos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _nextbuilding] call F_crateToStorage;
while {_fuel > 0} do {
private _amount = 100;
if ((_fuel / 100) < 1) then {
_amount = _fuel;
_fuel = _fuel - _amount;
private _crate = [KP_liberation_fuel_crate, _amount, _nextpos] call F_createCrate;
[_crate, _nextbuilding] call F_crateToStorage;
} forEach KP_liberation_production;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Saved sector storages placed";};
private _nextgroup = _x;
private _grp = createGroup [GRLIB_side_friendly, true];
private _nextunit = _x;
private _nextpos = [(_nextunit select 1) select 0, (_nextunit select 1) select 1, ((_nextunit select 1) select 2) + 0.2];
private _nextdir = _nextunit select 2;
(_nextunit select 0) createUnit [ _nextpos, _grp, 'this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}] '];
private _nextobj = ((units _grp) select ((count (units _grp)) - 1));
_nextobj setPosATL _nextpos;
_nextobj setDir _nextdir;
} forEach _nextgroup;
} forEach ai_groups;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Save loading finished";};
} else {
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log "[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Save nil";};
publicVariable "blufor_sectors";
publicVariable "GRLIB_all_fobs";
if (count GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links == 0) then {
private _assigned_bases = [];
private _assigned_vehicles = [];
while {count _assigned_bases < count sectors_military && count _assigned_vehicles < count elite_vehicles} do {
private _nextbase = selectRandom ([sectors_military, {!(_x in _assigned_bases)}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect);
private _nextvehicle = selectRandom ([elite_vehicles, {!(_x in _assigned_vehicles)}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect);
_assigned_bases pushback _nextbase;
_assigned_vehicles pushback _nextvehicle;
GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links pushback [_nextvehicle, _nextbase];
} else {
private _classnames_to_check = GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links;
if !([_x select 0] call F_checkClass) then {
GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links = GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links - [_x];
} forEach _classnames_to_check;
publicVariable "GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links";
publicVariable "GRLIB_permissions";
publicVariable "KP_liberation_cr_vehicles";
save_is_loaded = true; publicVariable "save_is_loaded";
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] save_manager.sqf done - time: %1", diag_tickTime];};
while {true} do {
waitUntil {
sleep 0.5;
trigger_server_save || GRLIB_endgame == 1;
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Save interval started - time: %1", time];};
if (GRLIB_endgame == 1) then {
profileNamespace setVariable [GRLIB_save_key, nil];
while {true} do {sleep 300;};
} else {
trigger_server_save = false;
buildings_to_save = [];
KP_liberation_storages = [];
ai_groups = [];
private _all_buildings = [];
private _all_storages = [];
private _fobpos = _x;
private _nextbuildings = [_fobpos nearobjects (GRLIB_fob_range * 2), {
((typeof _x) in _classnames_to_save ) &&
(alive _x) && // Exclude dead or broken objects
(speed _x < 5) && // Exclude moving objects (like civilians driving through)
(isNull attachedTo _x) && // Exclude attachTo'd objects
(((getpos _x) select 2) < 10) && // Exclude hovering helicopters and the like
(getObjectType _x >= 8) && // Exclude preplaced terrain objects
!((typeOf _x) in KP_liberation_crates) && // Exclude storage crates (those are handled separately)
!(_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_preplaced", false])
}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
_all_buildings = [(_all_buildings + _nextbuildings), {!((typeOf _x) in KP_liberation_storage_buildings)}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
_all_storages = [(_all_storages + _nextbuildings), {(_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type",-1]) == 0}] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
private _nextgroup = _x;
if (side _nextgroup == GRLIB_side_friendly) then {
if ({isPlayer _x} count (units _nextgroup) == 0) then {
if ({ alive _x} count (units _nextgroup) > 0) then {
if ((_fobpos distance (leader _nextgroup) < GRLIB_fob_range * 2) && ((typeOf (leader _nextgroup)) in friendly_infantry_classnames)) then {
private _grouparray = [];
if (alive _x && (vehicle _x == _x)) then {
_grouparray pushback [typeof _x, getPosATL _x, getDir _x];
} forEach (units _nextgroup);
ai_groups pushback _grouparray;
} forEach allGroups;
} forEach GRLIB_all_fobs;
// Save all buildings and vehicles
private _savedpos = getPosWorld _x;;
private _savedvecdir = vectorDirVisual _x;
private _savedvecup = vectorUpVisual _x;;
private _nextclass = typeof _x;
private _hascrew = false;
if (_nextclass in _classnames_to_save_blu) then {
if (({!isPlayer _x} count (crew _x) ) > 0) then {
_hascrew = true;
if (!(_nextclass in civilian_vehicles) || (_x in KP_liberation_cr_vehicles)) then {
//buildings_to_save pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_nextdir,_hascrew,_savedvec];
buildings_to_save pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_savedvecdir,_savedvecup,_hascrew];
} forEach _all_buildings;
private _savedpos = getPosWorld _x;;
private _savedvecdir = vectorDirVisual _x;
private _savedvecup = vectorUpVisual _x;;
private _nextclass = typeof _x;
_supplyValue = 0;
_ammoValue = 0;
_fuelValue = 0;
switch ((typeOf _x)) do {
case KP_liberation_supply_crate: {_supplyValue = _supplyValue + (_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_crate_value",0]);};
case KP_liberation_ammo_crate: {_ammoValue = _ammoValue + (_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_crate_value",0]);};
case KP_liberation_fuel_crate: {_fuelValue = _fuelValue + (_x getVariable ["KP_liberation_crate_value",0]);};
default {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [ERROR] Invalid object (%1) at storage area", (typeOf _x)];};
} forEach (attachedObjects _x);
//KP_liberation_storages pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_nextdir,_supplyValue,_ammoValue,_fuelValue,_savedvec];
KP_liberation_storages pushback [_nextclass,_savedpos,_savedvecdir,_savedvecup,_supplyValue,_ammoValue,_fuelValue];
} forEach _all_storages;
time_of_day = date select 3;
stats_saves_performed = stats_saves_performed + 1;
private _knownplayers = [];
private _newscores = [] + GRLIB_player_scores;
{ _knownplayers pushback (_x select 0) } foreach GRLIB_player_scores;
if (score _x >= 20) then {
private _playerindex = _knownplayers find (getPlayerUID _x);
if (_playerindex >= 0) then {
_newscores set [_playerindex, [getPlayerUID _x, score _x]];
} else {
_newscores pushback [getPlayerUID _x, score _x];
} forEach allPlayers;
GRLIB_player_scores = _newscores;
_stats = [];
_stats pushback stats_opfor_soldiers_killed;
_stats pushback stats_opfor_killed_by_players;
_stats pushback stats_blufor_soldiers_killed;
_stats pushback stats_player_deaths;
_stats pushback stats_opfor_vehicles_killed;
_stats pushback stats_opfor_vehicles_killed_by_players;
_stats pushback stats_blufor_vehicles_killed;
_stats pushback stats_blufor_soldiers_recruited;
_stats pushback stats_blufor_vehicles_built;
_stats pushback stats_civilians_killed;
_stats pushback stats_civilians_killed_by_players;
_stats pushback stats_sectors_liberated;
_stats pushback stats_playtime;
_stats pushback stats_spartan_respawns;
_stats pushback stats_secondary_objectives;
_stats pushback stats_hostile_battlegroups;
_stats pushback stats_ieds_detonated;
_stats pushback stats_saves_performed;
_stats pushback stats_saves_loaded;
_stats pushback stats_reinforcements_called;
_stats pushback stats_prisonners_captured;
_stats pushback stats_blufor_teamkills;
_stats pushback stats_vehicles_recycled;
_stats pushback stats_ammo_spent;
_stats pushback stats_sectors_lost;
_stats pushback stats_fobs_built;
_stats pushback stats_fobs_lost;
_stats pushback stats_readiness_earned;
greuh_liberation_savegame = [blufor_sectors, GRLIB_all_fobs, buildings_to_save, time_of_day, round combat_readiness, KP_liberation_storages,
KP_liberation_production, KP_liberation_logistics, _stats, [round infantry_weight, round armor_weight, round air_weight], GRLIB_vehicle_to_military_base_links,
GRLIB_permissions, ai_groups, resources_intel, GRLIB_player_scores, KP_liberation_civ_rep, KP_liberation_production_markers, KP_liberation_guerilla_strength];
profileNamespace setVariable [GRLIB_save_key, greuh_liberation_savegame];
if (KP_liberation_savegame_debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["[KP LIBERATION] [SAVE] Save interval finished - time: %1", time];};